miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2009

Third rehearsal, part A, Going political.


Alexander gives homework to the dancers. He wants them to think about the kind of songs they really like and analyze why they like it. What is the beat these songs have that makes them feel comfortable and like them. He also wants them to think of very popular songs that everybody knows just by listening to their beat, kind of like 'Stand by me' or 'Billy Jean'.

After this bit of a talking we go through everything that is already chorographed by now. Starting on the clicking he tries to find an entrace to it, and asks the dancers to move together kind of like a massive snake. I want to quote Marthe today: 'When there's many people together, you all become one, so you don't have to be overproductive, otherwise it's a mess.'

The clicking rhythms are very difficult, but they are begining to look good. Alex comes up with the famous sentence 'Yes we can' to encourage the dancers. By the look on his face, I really think he's considering the option of using this. Isn't it fun to go political in this non-political kind of way? I think so.

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